Cherry Hill Medical Malpractice Lawyers: Potential Caesarian Complications and Medical Errors

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Cherry Hill Medical Malpractice Lawyers Discuss Potential Caesarian Complications and Medical ErrorsDespite the advances in medical technology and knowledge over the past century, birth is still a dangerous event for mothers and newborns. Delivery by caesarian section, a surgical procedure performed when a vaginal delivery is not possible, is generally a safe procedure. However, it does have risks that vaginal deliveries do not have and in some cases, these risks result in the mother’s passing or illness. A caesarian section can also result in a birth injury to the newborn.

Why Would a Caesarian Section be Necessary?

In the following scenarios, a doctor may recommend a caesarian section for a child’s birth:

  • The baby is too large to deliver vaginally
  • The umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby’s neck
  • The mother’s labor is delayed
  • The baby is in a head-down position close to delivery
  • The mother had a previous caesarian and a vaginal birth could cause its scars to rupture
  • The mother has an infection that could be transferred to the newborn
  • The mother is carrying two or more babies

Risks to the Mother and Newborn

There are inherent risks to a caesarian section, such as the risk of infection after surgery, injury to another organ, and blood loss. A doctor’s duty of care is to thoroughly warn the patient of these risks as well as risks specific to caesarian sections, such as surgical injuries to the baby and an increased risk of complications with future pregnancies. If your doctor does not warn you of potential complications that can arise with your caesarian section, he or she was negligent and could be liable for any resulting damages.

A doctor can also be deemed negligent if his or her errors immediately before, during, or after delivery resulted in injury to you or your child.

Common Caesarian Section Injuries

Oxygen deprivation to a newborn is a serious concern during a caesarian delivery. It can cause the child to suffer from developmental delays later in life or conditions such as cerebral palsy.

If a physician is not careful while using medical equipment, such as forceps, to extract the newborn, the baby can suffer an injury. This injury can be fairly minor, such as scarring, or it can result in permanent injury, such as Erb’s palsy.

Other risks to mothers during caesarian sections include blood clots, bowel and bladder injuries, severe blood loss, and anesthesia injuries. For newborns, an early delivery can mean having underdeveloped lungs or other organs and requiring care in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Cherry Hill Medical Malpractice Lawyers at Folkman Law Offices, P.C. Represent Parents of Newborns Injured by Caesarian Section Malpractice

If your child was injured during his or her birth, you could be entitled to recover monetary compensation for your damages through a birth injury claim. Fill out our online form or call 856-354-9444 to schedule your free case evaluation with a Cherry Hill medical malpractice lawyer at Folkman Law Offices, P.C. We are located in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and proudly serve clients in Pennsylvania and South Jersey, including those in Philadelphia, King of Prussia, and Camden County.