Cherry Hill Personal Injury Lawyers: Older drivers Expected to Impact Car Accident Statistics

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  • Cherry Hill Personal Injury Lawyers: Older drivers Expected to Impact Car Accident Statistics

For many individuals in the United States driving is a part of everyday life. A large number of people for whom this is true may be part of the Baby Boomer generation.  In 2013, the number of seniors licensed to drive was 36.8 million. By 2050, that number of people who are age 65 or older is estimated to be around 83.7 million. As these individuals age, they will likely hold onto their driving privileges as long as possible. In turn, this could result in more motor vehicle accidents occurring.

Statistics back this up. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety indicates that at age 70-74, fatal crash rates begin to increase remarkably. They peak for drivers who are age 85 and older. In 2013, they accounted for 17 percent of the fatal traffic accidents that occurred.

There are things that seniors who drive can do to try to make the practice safer. Re-education courses focused on safe driving that are offered by AARP and AAA can help to reacquaint drivers with safe driving practices which could reduce the number of crashes older drivers are involved in.

It is of course possible for drivers of all ages to be involved in car accidents. Regardless of the age of the person who is responsible for a crash occurring, they may be held accountable financially via a personal injury lawsuit. While it is not possible to undo the harm that is inflicted in one of these situations, any damages recouped in a successful lawsuit could make it easier for those impacted to move forward with life.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident due to another driver’s negligence call the Cherry Hill personal injury lawyers at the offices to Folkman Law P.C., at 856-354-9444. Or contact us online, today.