Cherry Hill Personal Injury Lawyers: Tips For Avoiding Dog Bites

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  • Cherry Hill Personal Injury Lawyers: Tips For Avoiding Dog Bites

In our last post we wrote about the number of people who are hurt each year as a result of dog bites. We indicated this happens a lot in the state of New Jersey as it ranks tenth in the nation when it comes to claims filed with one insurance company in particular. Those with few defenses—such as the elderly and young children—are often the victims of these attacks. Because most who file these claims would undoubtedly prefer to not suffer the injury in the first place, in this post we will provide some tips for how to avoid this outcome.

The first is to avoid teasing or staring into the dog’s eyes. Second, do not get close to, or touch a dog that is nursing puppies, injured or tied up, eating or sleeping. In addition, unknown dogs that are off the leash should be avoided. In situations where a dog charges, do not run or scream. Small children should never be left alone with a dog.

When a dog does injure someone, an element that must be proven to recoup damages is that negligence on the part of the owner was to blame for the injuries. The negligence could be that the dog was not properly restrained or trained. When it is demonstrated that this negligence led to the injuries, financial damages may be recovered. These damages could be used for a variety of things including to pay for the medical treatment necessary following such an incident. The first step toward securing this is to speak with a lawyer.

If you or a loved one has been injured by a dog due to an owner’s negligence contact the Cherry Hill personal injury lawyers of Folkman Law today. For a free case review call 856-354-9444, or contact us online