Cherry Hill Personal Injury Lawyers: New Device May Better Diagnose Concussions

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New Jersey residents might be surprised to learn that there is no objective, agreed-upon diagnosis for a concussion. However, a new device that uses eye tracking to measure a person’s attention and ability to follow a dot might change that. With its focus upon a single objective measure, some medical professionals think it will be more useful in determining when a blow to head has caused some damage than the much vaguer diagnosis of a concussion. Furthermore, it is portable enough to be used on sidelines at football games to help determine whether a player should not be allowed to return to the field.

The product, known as EYE-SYNC, has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The Stanford University football team uses the device along with an assessment known as SCAT 3 that checks balance, cognition and other qualities. The founder of the company that developed the device is working with the FDA to continue diagnostic improvement for concussions and says that the key may be eye tracking.

He also says that isolating children who have had concussions may be a bad idea because it cuts them off from their peers. While rest is necessary to heal after a concussion, he argues that exercise is important and that “rest” refers to avoiding further blows to the head.

A concussion can result from a number of causes besides contact sports, including a car accident or a slip and fall injury. A person might suffer a concussion by falling on an unsafe set of stairs on private property or slipping on wet floors at a store. If the concussion results in medical bills, missed time from work or other types of harm, the injured person might want to have the support of an attorney in filing a personal injury lawsuit against the responsible party.

The Cherry Hill Personal Injury Lawyers at Folkman Law represent those with brain and spinal cord injures. Contact us online, or call 856-354-9444.