Study Finds Addictive Nicotine in Juul Nearly Identical to a Marlboro

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  • Study Finds Addictive Nicotine in Juul Nearly Identical to a Marlboro

On Tuesday, researchers at the Portland State University in Oregon published a study finding that the nicotine formula used by Juul is nearly identical to the flavor and addictive profile of Marlboro cigarettes. 

Juul e-cigarettes were designed to make it easier for users to inhale larger quantities of nicotine without gagging, gasping or coughing—or even noticing. According to David Payton, a professor of chemistry at Portland State University and one of the authors of the study, “[i]t becomes obvious why novice users, people who’ve never smoked before, find it easy to try Juul. And once you try it, you’re getting dosed with a high concentration of nicotine.”

Directly comparing Juul “pods” to Marlboro cigarettes, the authors concluded that:

the JUUL design characteristics provide effective cigarette-like delivery of nicotine, including (1) high total nicotine concentration in the liquid (Nictot, mg/mL); (2) low but not zero fb fraction (αfb); (3) cigarette-like concentrations of fb nicotine in the aerosol droplets (αfbNictot, mg/mL); and (4) relatively low, cigarette-like PM; along with (5) optional flavours and no tobacco-smoke odour: a flavoured (at present) e-cigarette analogue of Marlboro.

In other words, Juul has virtually eliminated the harsh side effects that were present in earlier electronic cigarettes, allowing users to ingest more nicotine, and become more addicted to its dangerous products.


If you or your family are battling a nicotine addiction related to Juul, call the experienced personal injury attorneys at Folkman Law Offices, P.C.. Our Cherry Hill, New Jersey Office can be reached at 856-354-9444 and our Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Office can be reached at 215-561-4848. You can also fill out and submit our online contact form, and we will get back to you about your case as soon we can.