Cherry Hill Personal Injury Lawyers Discuss the Dangers of Strollers and Car Seats

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As a new parent, it can be very easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of baby products available and the stories you read on the internet and see on the news about accidents involving them. Cherry Hill personal injury lawyers caution new parents to carefully read product reviews and keep abreast of any recalls.

It is true that between 1990 and 2010, approximately 361,000 toddlers across the country were treated in emergency rooms for injuries related to falls and trips. Many of these injuries involved falling from or over child carriers, such as strollers or car seats.

Child Injury Statistics

The figure above comes from a study published in 2016 in the journal Academic Pediatrics. Other outstanding facts from the piece include:

  • Every hour, two children under the age of five are treated in emergency rooms for injuries related to accidents involving strollers or car seats
  • In 62 percent of the accidents cited, the child suffered a head injury. In 25 percent, the child suffered a face injury
  • Slightly more than half of the victims of stroller accidents were male
  • In approximately 40 percent of the stroller-related cases cited, the child suffered a soft tissue injury, such as a bruise
  • From 1990 to 2010, the proportion of carrier-related brain injuries tripled.

Protect Your Toddler from an Injury

While the occasional cut or bruise is all a part of childhood, a fall from an elevated position can have devastating consequences. One way to protect your child from injuries caused by defective products is to sign up for a product recall newsletter and research whether any of the products you own have been recalled. Another is to practice safety precautions with strollers and child carriers.

Always buy strollers and other child carriers new, rather than trying to save money by purchasing them used. As of 2015, all strollers sold in the United States must meet new federal safety standards that address potential falling hazards. Also be sure to always use the product as it is intended to be used. When your child is in a stroller or carrier, buckle him or her into it and do not allow him or her to stand on the item. Use a product that is appropriately-sized for your child, rather than one that is too large or too small. Never leave your child in a carrier unattended.

Cherry Hill Personal Injury Lawyers at Folkman Law Offices, P.C. Represent Those Injured by Defective Products

When a child suffers an injury because of a design flaw or a defective product, it is his or her parent’s job to be an advocate by seeking compensation damages. To learn more about filing a product liability claim, complete our online form or call 856-354-9444 to set up your free case evaluation with our team of South Jersey personal injury lawyers at Folkman Law Offices, P.C. We have offices in Philadelphia, Cherry Hill, and King of Prussia and we serve clients throughout Camden County, South Jersey, and the rest of Pennsylvania and New Jersey.