Fatal School Bus Crash Occurs in Monroe Township

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  • Fatal School Bus Crash Occurs in Monroe Township

A fatal school bus crash occurred in Monroe Township, New Jersey, and took the life of a motorist. On Monday afternoon, around 4:12 pm, a bus driver made a left turn onto Route 322, and hit the car on the driver’s side, which caused the fatality. No students occupied the bus, but the bus driver sustained personal injuries and was brought to the Jefferson Hospital. The driver of the car succumbed to fatal injuries after the school bus crash.

Since school buses do not contain the same amount of safety features as a car, the injuries incurred during a crash could be catastrophic. Buses also tend to roll over, which could lead to injuries affecting the head, back, and spinal cord. Victims of a school bus accident may sustain a range of injuries as well as potential fatalities.

If you or your loved ones have been injured in a bus accident, we can help. Call our Cherry Hill bus accident lawyers at Folkman Law Offices, P.C. at 856-354-9444 or contact us online. We handle bus accident claims across New Jersey and Pennsylvania at our offices in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, Philadelphia, or King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.