Spinal Injury Causes And Consequences

If you have sustained injuries to your spinal cord due to the negligence, recklessness, or intentional misconduct of another, then New Jersey law may give you a right of action against the defendant for damages to cover the losses from your spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injuries can create significant roadblocks to the victim’s ability to lead a normal life, and as such, the damages (as in many other catastrophic injury cases) tend to be quite a bit larger than standard personal injury disputes.

Folkman Law is here to help. Our attorneys are aggressive litigators who understand how to effectively try a claim to conclusion. Contact us to learn more about our services.


The spinal cord is critical to the normal functioning of the peripheral nervous system, which governs sensory input and movement. It is perhaps best conceived of as an information superhighway that connects signals from the brain to-and-from nerves located throughout your body. For example, when you move your legs, your brain is sending electro-chemical signals down the spinal cord and to your leg muscles, causing them to move. If sufficient damage is sustained by the victim’s spinal cord, then these functions (i.e., senses, movement) could be disrupted.

Common consequences of spinal cord injury include, but are not necessarily limited, to:

  • Paralysis (partial or full)
  • Dysfunctional movement
  • Loss of sensation or changes in sensation
  • Impaired reflexes
  • Loss of fertility
  • Spasms
  • Severe pain (burning, piercing, etc.)
  • Numbness
  • General weakness
  • Organ function issues (lung problems, bladder and bowel control problems)
  • And more


There are a number of events that can cause a spinal cord injury, including:

  • Physical trauma (i.e., blunt impact trauma) affecting the spine
  • Spinal cancer and aggressive non-spinal cancers
  • Spinal cord inflammation due to infection
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Significant blood loss
  • Surgical errors
  • And more


Spinal cord injuries pose significant challenges for victims, as they are often faced with truly life-altering functional impairments that can prevent them from pursuing a career, and from enjoying a normal personal and social life. Given the substantial losses associated with such injuries, it’s critical that your attorney not only be capable of securing a win but that they also have the ability to maximize the potential damages to ensure a full and adequate recovery.

At Folkman Law, our attorneys have decades of experience representing New Jersey plaintiffs in a variety of personal injury disputes, including those that center around a serious spinal cord injury.

Curious about your claims and what you will need to do to try the dispute to its inevitable conclusion? Please call 856-354-9444 or contact us online to schedule a free and confidential consultation with a skilled Cherry Hill personal injury lawyer at Folkman Law. Our attorneys are available 24/7 to respond to your inquiries.

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